The first platform of note, , one of my all time favorite sites, is just too rigid. Encyclopedia Dramatica - Encyclopedia Dramatica (o Encyclopdia Dramatica) una enciclopedia satirica (come Uncyclopedia, anche se quest ultima meno cinica e cruenta) sul. Dramatica eller Encyclopaedia Dramatica, är en wiki som bygger p olika memes. is an online encyclopedia founded by entrepreneur and. Encyclopedia Dramatica Wikipdia L Encyclopedia Dramatica est un wiki qui documente de manire satirique des sujets encyclopdiques et l actualit, et en particulier de trs nombreux mmes. Encyclopedia Dramatica Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre A Encyclopedia Dramatica um website do tipo wiki que se props a documentar toda a espcie de drama e situaes humorsticas que ocorrem na.
MediaWiki software, and a forum based on XenForo forums software. The thing is, the stuff on Encyclopedia Dramatica are deliberately offensive. Encyclopedia Dramaticaaposs seething satire is back Dec 11, 2015. Out of bitterness, these people began Encyclopedia Dramatica as a way to get. Encyclopdia Dramatica - RationalWiki Feb 24, 2016. Encyclopedia Dramatica Owner May Face Charges Down Under.
Encyclopdia Dramatica - , la enciclopedia libre La Encyclopdia Dramatica es una wiki chocante en ingls con muy pocas reglas y sin mantenimiento del software MediaWiki, parodia de la Enciclopedia. Encyclopedia Dramatica Die Encyclopedia Dramatica ist ein großes werbefinanziertes englischsprachiges. Encyclopedia Dramatica - Tolololpedia - Wikia Encyclopedia Dramatica adalah musuh dari Uncyclopedia dan Encyclopedia. Urban Dictionary: Encyclopedia Dramatica A wiki-based collaborative site humour cataloguing internet culture, memes.
Encyclopedia Dramatica Wikipedie
Efficiency with which Encyclopedia Dramatica functions, they had an. But that gave the wiki-site plenty of material to work withuntil three months ago, when its. Encyclopedia Dramatica Encyclopedia Dramatica, förkortat ED, kan även skrivas Encyclopdia. Encyclopedia Dramatica Encyclopdia Dramatica oli satiirinen MediaWiki-ohjelmistolla toiminut trollihuumorin ja -tarinoiden hakemisto.
Encyclopdia Dramatica (ED in Internet shorthand) is a wiki that. RationalWiki (RW) used to be a (sort of) funny troll parody of the biased. Encyclopedia Dramatica Encyclopdia Dramatica, or ED, is a shitty-ass wiki that joined teh internets at least one. 5 Terrifying Bastardizations of the Model m May 11, 2009. About: Encyclopedia Dramatica (or ED, for short) is a satirical internet-culture based wiki created in late 2004 dedicated to documenting and.
The other platform of note, Encyclopedia Dramatica is not a site that is comfortable. RationalWiki - Encyclopedia Dramatica PROTIP : If you re going to start an Encyclopedia Dramatica rip-off, don t use it to. Encyclopedia Dramatica Know Your Meme Jan 24, 2011. Satirewiki ähnlich der deutschsprachigen Kamelopedia, Stupidedia oder.
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