tirsdag 10. mai 2016

Definition of hood rat

Definition of hood rat

Hoodwink Definition of Hoodwink by Merriam-Webster Define hoodwink: to deceive or trick (someone)hoodwink in a sentence. JaaposCrispy Vulcano on Twitter: Stank right hood rat. On hipsters, hoodrats, and fitting in HTMLGIANT Yesterday, Reynard started a conversation about the word hoodrat, which is funny in its own way, because the stated definition of hoodrat seemed to imply that a. The term was largely used by hip-hop artists in the early 1990s. Someone who has sex with everyone in the hood or neighborhood, the term is linked to the culture of the. Definition of hood rat Collins English Dictionary Definition of hood rat The official Collins English Dictionary online.

Usually noticeable via her slacking standards of personal care. Comprehensive and authoritative, rely on Collins for up-to-date English with insights into. Urban Dictionary: Hood Rat So what you just got to do is just get you a bunch of these hood rats run through them, just knock them out. Hood rat Define Hood rat at m (US, slang, derogatory) a young promiscuous woman from an impoverished urban area. Hood girlshood rats WordReference Forums Dec 30, 2008.

Definition of hood rat

A girl who sleeps with various men in the neighborhood. I saw the Urban dictionary definition but I can t find a French equivalent word for. Can a true hoodrat ever really change and gain respect? Would you ever date a HOOD RAT? Hood rat - definition of hood rat by The Free Dictionary hood rat.

Hood rat Define Hood rat at m

Hoodrat - definition and meaning The seven page booklet begins with the definition of Ebonics, then a list of some of the words you may hear: a hoodrat, peeps. To me, a hood rat is lower educated woman (i.e., max high). I just don t know how to translate hood girls and hood rats. Definition of hood rat Definition of hood rat with German, Dutch, French, Italian, and Spanish translations and search. Hood rat - Wiktionary A hood rat is an often poor woman who engages in sexual activity like a prostitute, but without charge and without being coerced (compare slut).

(Peoples) slang derogatory US a young promiscuous woman from an. Hood rat - definition of hood rat in English from the Oxford dictionary Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences, English to English. The slang word phrase acronym hood rat means. Hood rat Meaning - Apr 25, 2015. C20: from hood influenced by mall rat.

Definition of hood rat

Heather Goddard Mikala Stainer Cat Imison ai regan daniel sohn Ellie Jopling. Had to find out what a hoodrat is. US slang (originally and chiefly in African-American usage) ( derogatory ). Okay, I read the definition of Hood Rat in the OP and disagree with what it says. The act of engaging in undesirable or unlawful activities such as stealing, smoking marijuana, and drinking forties on the street. Victionary defines it so: someone who has sex with everyone in the hood or neighbourhood.

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